Contact Us
Michael C. BrouilletteWorshipful Master
mikeb (at)
Adam W. Holtzapple, P.M.
secy0451 (at)
Craig A. Resh
Lodge Almoner
caralsauto (at)
Committee on Charity
Committee on Charity Group Email
charity (at)
Brother's Keepers
keepers (at)
For Visitors
If you are a Mason traveling in the south-central Pennsylvania area, please stop by and visit with us. Monthly meetings are at 7:30pm on the Second Thursday of the month (visit the Trestleboard for upcoming dates). Dinner is served before each regular stated meeting at 6:30pm and requires a reservation to be made (contact our Secretary to make arrangements).To visit our tiled meetings, you are required to have a paid-up current year’s dues card or receipt, a Travel Certificate, or other proof of membership and current good standing, with you. If no member in our Lodge can vouch for you, a committee will meet with you in the Examining Room to verify your credentials and claims that you are a Mason. You should be prepared to prove your Masonic membership in an appropriate manner. Coat and tie is the Masonic dress required to attend all stated and extra lodge meetings.
Zeredatha-White Rose Lodge No. 451, F.&A.M.
Masonic Center of York
400 Masonic Drive
York, PA 17406
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